
The initial characterisation of our target environment for analysis comes from a measurement taken by a sensor. A long processing chain will gradually transform it to give it intelligible meaning for the human expert. The Measurement will progressively be translated into Data, before becoming Information, ultimately able to be used in Decision-making.

According to information theory, entropy decreases throughout the chain, as intelligibility grows. Symbolic data undergoes specific processing due to its semantic value. At A2D, we manage the precision-certainty dilemma at every stage of our process to optimise the quality of information production.

To ensure the final decision we provide is characterised by reliability indicators, we consider the relevance of the initial information sources and the impact of the processing tools at each stage of the production chain.

Capturing data

The sensor is the first tool in the measurement chain, translating the measurand value, usually in the form of an electrical signal.

Our surroundings have a three-dimensional structure and georeferencing is therefore attached to the measurand value, obtained through a global or local system.

To guarantee the optimal quality of your raw data according to your needs, our drone pilots and analysts define an acquisition protocol (flight dynamics and instrumentation quality) tailored to your requirements. All acquisition operations comply with current regulations.

Our dedicated technical overflights

– Using sensors with the appropriate definition for the required precision,

– Centimetre-level accuracy positioning in your geographical coordinate system,

– Consistent data capture in hard-to-reach areas,

– Design and/or compliance with your Risk Prevention Plans.

Have you already acquired your data?

Signal, image, video, LIDAR, etc.
We can import and analyse it!

Entrust us with your data and define the acquisition protocols

Mastering precision

The sensor is the decisive information source to be exploited by the rest of the processing chain.

It is essential to ensure the following levels:

  1. reliability of the sensor (optimal alignment between the measured value and the true value of the measurand),
  2. accuracy (the most probable value of the measurand).

A reliable and accurate sensor is a precise sensor.

To guarantee accuracy levels, it is essential to add a calibration step, for any sensor used.

A similar principle applies for symbolic data: we seek to characterise its reliability using appropriate metrics.

In our approach, raw data is always accessible to you quickly to inform your doubt resolution.

Our data quality measurements

  • Completeness
  • Certainty
  • Reliability