Our history

Founded at the Université Paris-Saclay in 2017 by Pierre Loonis, who was then a university professor and Development Director for CentraleSupelec, A2D is an Innovative Young Company (JEI – Jeune Entreprise Innovante), eligible for the Research Tax Credit (CIR – Crédit Impôt Recherche).

A2D founded

17 December, 2017

Enedis POC


Enedis pilot contract

2 years


Grand Port Maritime La Rochelle POC

September, 2021

Grand Port Maritime La Rochelle contract

April, 2022

Enedis contract

3 years

July, 2022

In-house-BPI France POC

October, 2022

Port du Futur-Digital competition


November, 2022

First fund-raising

21 june, 2023

Creation of the new visual identity

A2D Acquire to Decide

July, 2023

Launch of the new website A2D

September, 2023

Marketing of A2D software and application solutions

September, 2023

UAV Show – Bordeaux

October, 2023

Bordeaux Metropolis POC

November, 2023

SMCL (Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales) – Paris

December, 2023

Foundation of the Company

The initial objective was to accelerate the transfer of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence tools developed through academic research, in order to propel new applications through decision support systems on-board drones or in the Cloud as SaaS.

Accelerating the integration of image processing, robotics and AI tools

We demonstrated feasibility in the first few months through industrial Proof of Concepts, highlighting the speed, reliability and precision of our integrative approaches.

Expansion of the A2D team

Obtaining multi-year contracts for infrastructure inspection, coupled with the support of BPI France, among others, enabled us to expand our team of specialists in data acquisition and processing in uncontrolled environments.

Digital innovation competition

Our MAPRAD POC wins the Port du Futur digital innovation competition, organised by CEREMA.

Creation of the new A2D logo